Rescue Brewing Company

167 N 2nd Ave
Upland CA 91786
(909) 536-2739
  • PUB QUIZ—Wednesdays @ 7:00pm
About Rescue Brewing Company

We chose this location in Historic Downtown Upland because it is the heart of Upland. Our goal is to create a space that is family oriented and a place the community can come together by having a relaxing time tasting our specialty craft beers as well as strolling the shops of our neighboring retails stores. Our mission is to give back to our giving a portion of our proceeds from special events, merchandise and beer sales to our local heroes....Law Enforcement, Fire Department, Military, local Charities and Animal Rescues.


Wed Aug 29 2018
| by Quizmaster Jonathan Rushing

Great to be back at Rescue! Always a fun time with a HUGE crowd. SNAFU Worldwide took 1st with a strong game, while Bad JuJu took second and Jury Of Your Beers took the bronze. Props to Jury Of Your Beers for winning the drinking round. They guessed which US States has the states name in the states capital and which NBA player has an nBA championship along with a rap album. See you next time at Rescue!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 14156 SNAFU Worldwide 80 11 1.000
2 10904 Bad JuJu 76 10 0.909
3 10032 Jury of Your Beers 74 9 0.818
4 Threes Company Plus One 68 8 0.727
5 13771 Sextet Threat 65 7 0.636
6 13436 Why do you ask, Two Dogs? 59 6 0.545
7 Pineapple Belongs On Pizza 56 5 0.455
8 16231 Four Lesbians 54 4 0.364
9 16230 Dino Babes 53 3 0.273
10 16228 Not this one 51 2 0.182
11 15353 The Never Nudes 49 1 0.091
12 Team Blank 33 0 0.000


Wed Aug 22 2018
| by Quizmaster graham beightol

"So long, and thanks for all the fish"

-Douglas Adams.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1* 10395 Hail hydra! 66 8 0.900
1* 14156 SNAFU Worldwide 66 8 0.900
1 10032 Jury of Your Beers 66 8 0.900
4 Can you Beer-Leave? 60 7 0.700
5 Team Nara 48 6 0.600
6 Three’s Company 39 5 0.500
7 Jelskey 19 4 0.400
8 Circus Kids 18 3 0.300
9 Slytherin Octopus 10 2 0.200
10 GT 9 1 0.100
11 Save the whale fisherman 4 0 0.000
* Won Tiebreaker


Wed Aug 15 2018
| by Quizmaster graham beightol

Steve, all is forgiven friend.

I promise my mom took no offense to you shouting "your mom" after every question last week.

Thank you for the Apology Sandwich and Angels goodie bag. I appreciate it.

Don't sweat it, Friend.

For the beer round, I had them all make some paper airplanes and send them across the room.

The beer winning team was "Is Pepsi OK?" (And no, Pepsi is never OK, just get a root beer!)

Hail Hydra stooped by and have our local teams a run for their money, but it was SNAFU Worldwide coming in clutch and taking down a key win. Nicely done! I think that's 3 in a row!

All righty. See you all next week!


Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 14156 SNAFU Worldwide 64 8 1.000
2 10395 Hail hydra! 61 7 0.875
3 Team Mamba 51 6 0.750
4 13771 My Head Hurts 45 4 0.562
4 Beers before brains 45 4 0.562
6 Is Pepsi OK? 43 3 0.375
7 Team Red 27 2 0.250
8 Mary’s Angels 20 1 0.125
9 Tom and Sue 18 0 0.000
* Won Tiebreaker