Rescue Brewing Company

167 N 2nd Ave
Upland CA 91786
(909) 536-2739
  • PUB QUIZ—Wednesdays @ 7:00pm
About Rescue Brewing Company

We chose this location in Historic Downtown Upland because it is the heart of Upland. Our goal is to create a space that is family oriented and a place the community can come together by having a relaxing time tasting our specialty craft beers as well as strolling the shops of our neighboring retails stores. Our mission is to give back to our giving a portion of our proceeds from special events, merchandise and beer sales to our local heroes....Law Enforcement, Fire Department, Military, local Charities and Animal Rescues.


Wed Nov 13 2019
| by Quizmaster Dawn McGowan

This week at Rescue...

This week showed to be challenging for all teams. I do love when its challenging even to some of our regular teams.

This week the B-Sharps took first this week by 5pts over Hopps and Barely (welcome back). Honorable mention to Win or Booze, who are come to " have fun " but took 4th this week.

For the beer round we took an old round 6 (not wed) and played first team with the most points won. The Bsharps took this weeks win with 8pts.

Until next week Rescue...


Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 13938 Speak louder I'm wearing a towel 62 9 1.000
2 17037 Hopps&Barley 57 8 0.889
3 16523 O’Trivia Newton John 47 7 0.778
4 Win or Booze 45 6 0.667
5 18213 I ?Beer 38 5 0.556
6 Con-Zo 33 4 0.444
7 Flahless 32 3 0.333
8 23752 Cactus jack 24 2 0.222
9 23753 Pep&Pawps 23 1 0.111
10 Alcoholics anonymous 20 0 0.000


Wed Nov 6 2019
| by Quizmaster Dawn McGowan

This week at Rescue....

What a great week at Rescue!!! So many people so many teams!!

This week O'Trivia Newton John took 1st with In search of a Whiskey Moment in a close 2nd. It was a great week of correct doubles and not correct doubles.

For the beer round we played paper airplanes. This week every team made a airplane and stood in a line, they then gave their plane to the person to their left and each threw the plane. I took the last plane, didnt go far at all but whatever. So the teams who's plane was the farthest was excited but then I said "first one to find THEIR PlANE wins". Congrats to 4 out of 5 Dentist for running like it was the last piece of cake.

Until next week...


Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 16523 O’Trivia Newton John 62 13 1.000
2 10309 In Search of a Whiskey Moment 54 12 0.923
3 12838 Ribz Rulez 45 10 0.808
3 21646 The Edumacated 4.0 45 10 0.808
5 17649 Cheers, Mate! 43 9 0.692
6 16227 4 of 5 Dentists 38 7 0.577
6 Win Or Lose We Booze 38 7 0.577
8 18213 I ?Beer 31 6 0.462
9 Third Wheel 29 5 0.385
10 19525 Flah-Less 28 3 0.269
10 13938 The B-Sharps 28 3 0.269
12 You're Mother Trebec 23 2 0.154
13 Insomniacs 20 1 0.077
14 23611 Introverts Extroverting 19 0 0.000


Wed Oct 30 2019
| by Quizmaster Dawn McGowan

This Week at Rescue...

Wizards and witches, wherever you dwell, give us a hint, by ringing a bell! Madame Leota made an appearance this week at Rescue to read the future and she said many more nights of Trivia and fun will be here each week.

The Basic Witches truly knew what they were doing or they called upon the spirits to give the answers. They took the win this week but only by 2 points over the Sanderson Sisters who rose from their graves, I guess a virgin lit the Black Flame candle.

For the beer round the manager Alex wanted to do a costume contest, so those who dressed up were judge by the cooks from Son of a Butcher. They chose me, Madame Leota. We then played Survey Slam so all can participate and the winner got bucket full of candy and suprises.

It was such a great spooky night for all, thankful for the new teams that joined us this week and I hope to see them again.

Until next week...


Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 16358 Basic Witches 60 7 1.000
2 17523 The Sanderson Sisters 58 6 0.857
3 17649 Cheers, Mate! 50 5 0.714
4 We Love Jesus but Please Dont Talk to us about Him 40 4 0.571
5 16523 O’Trivia Newton John 39 3 0.429
6 13938 The Moster Squad 38 2 0.286
7 Primad 26 1 0.143
8 The Pussy Cats 23 0 0.000