Rescue Brewing Company

167 N 2nd Ave
Upland CA 91786
(909) 536-2739
  • PUB QUIZ—Wednesdays @ 7:00pm
About Rescue Brewing Company

We chose this location in Historic Downtown Upland because it is the heart of Upland. Our goal is to create a space that is family oriented and a place the community can come together by having a relaxing time tasting our specialty craft beers as well as strolling the shops of our neighboring retails stores. Our mission is to give back to our giving a portion of our proceeds from special events, merchandise and beer sales to our local heroes....Law Enforcement, Fire Department, Military, local Charities and Animal Rescues.


Wed Nov 21 2018
| by Quizmaster Dawn McGowan

This week at Rescue we had an AMAZING turnout, especially for the night before Thanksgiving. Along with our regulars we had some first timers there to play. O'Trivia Newton John taking the win this week followed by The Hens in a close second.

The B-Sharps however could have taken this whole game had they double down in the 6th round like everyone else. They kicked themselves in the butt since they ended up finishing in 4th all due to the tie breaking question between them and SNAFO Worldwide.

For our drinking round we had one team member from each team come up and I asked them, from this point to the Empire State Building, according to Waze how many miles? O'Trivia Newton John took the win with a guess of 2,500 when the answer was 2,542miles.

All and all this week was awesome, the staff and guests are always so nice and friendly. Happy Thanksgiving my Rescue crew.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 16523 O’Trivia Newton John 71 12 1.000
2 17038 The Hens 70 11 0.917
3 14156 SNAFU Worldwide 62 9 0.792
3 13938 The B-Sharps 62 9 0.792
5 14099 BREWkake 55 8 0.667
6 Cactus Cool 54 6 0.542
6 17036 K 9-5s 54 6 0.542
8 17037 Hopps&Barley 51 4 0.375
8 The Blue Team 51 4 0.375
10 Barrel Aged 45 3 0.250
11 Balex 39 2 0.167
12 Dr. Higgens 14 0 0.042
12 Puzzels 14 0 0.042


Wed Nov 14 2018
| by Quizmaster Dawn McGowan

What an awesome night with the full house at Rescue this week from first time teams to seasoned teams. Rest inPeace Spike Lee started off a little rough, doubling down the first 2 rounds and not getting any points and then doubling down the last 3 rounds and taking the win for the week.

We had a very fun beer round, had 1 player from each team take their picture paper and make it into any shape or form and the person who got it closest to my husband, won. We had paper airplanes, spit wads (really hoped it had hit him in the face), keys wrapped in the paper and just wadded up. The player from "Just Afraid" took the win in the beer round, getting it about a inch away.


Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 14156 Rest in Peace Spike Lee 74 10 1.000
2 16814 Sharks on the Ark 69 9 0.900
3 16227 Team on Our Best Behavior 62 8 0.800
4 16973 Just Afraid 60 7 0.700
5 13938 The B-Sharps 57 5 0.550
5 16523 O’Trivia Newton John 57 5 0.550
7 16971 New world order 46 4 0.400
8 Three's Company 44 3 0.300
9 13333 Why not? 31 1 0.150
9 16972 Can you say it slower 31 1 0.150
11 Cheers Mate 29 0 0.000


Wed Nov 7 2018
| by Quizmaster Dawn McGowan

The vibe at Rescue Brewing Company was amazing. 2 Beers 1 Cup doubled down correctly in the last round to take the win of the night. Loved seeing so many people come out for trivia and enjoy their time. Thank you Rescue crew for the King Trivia advertisement all over the bar.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 16227 Two Beers 1 Mug 68 8 1.000
2 14156 What The Hell Do You Mean 63 7 0.875
3 16896 TheKickBaller$ 56 6 0.750
4 16567 Midterms Are For Students 51 5 0.625
5 Three's Company Plus 1 44 4 0.500
6 16523 O’Trivia Newton John 42 1 0.250
6 The Hard Knockers 42 1 0.250
6 Cheers Mate 42 1 0.250
9 13706 The Brotendos 41 0 0.000