Barney's Beanery - Pasadena

99 E. Colorado Blvd.
Pasadena CA 91105
(626) 405-9777
  • PUB QUIZ—Wednesdays @ 8:00pm
  • MUSIC BINGO—Saturdays @ 6:30pm


Thu Aug 25 2016
| by Quizmaster Andy Ziskin

After missing last week's game because I was hanging out with Slash, Axl and Duff at Dodger Stadium, it felt great to be asking questions, playing tunes, and drinking beer with you all again.

Once again no teams were successful in doubling on the first round, but then Orange You Glad moved in to a commanding lead on round 2 with their knowledge of TV detectives! It looked like they might run away with the the whole game too as they kept building on their lead in subsequent rounds... Until the Matching Round when John Elway came out of retirement to ruin their night. That allowed Whole Half Yards and Pasadena Peeps to take over the top 2 spots. The excitement wasn't over though as round 7 provided a chance for #p4L (the only team to pull a successful double in the round) to make a miraculous move from 5th up to 2nd place!

Congrats again to Whole Half Yards for their first win of Season 7 and to the Pasadena Peeps who have now finished in the money 4 weeks in a row!

See you next Thursday!

-Quizmaster Andy


Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 10424 The Whole Half Yards 69 10 1.000
2 #P4l 63 9 0.900
3 10325 Pasadena Peeps 62 8 0.800
4 Alien v. Predator v. Brown v. Board of Education 56 7 0.700
5 10298 Orange You Glad this Mic isn't a Cock? 51 6 0.600
6 10296 Bad News Barristers 49 5 0.500
7 Where's the Downstairs? 43 4 0.400
8 Clueless 38 3 0.300
9 THOT Pockets 34 1 0.150
9 Penguins 34 1 0.150
11 2 Lost Aussies & Seppo 31 0 0.000


Thu Aug 18 2016
| by Quizmaster Tim Barkas

Quizmaster Andy took the night off, so QM Tim stepped in, and nothing could have prepared me for the sordid, unspeakable behavior on display at Barney's Pasadena last night! I mean, sure, I was warned about the name calling and trash talking. But the throwing of beer-soaked paper towels!? Well that's just over the line, doncha think? And it hit me right in the face!!

Okay, I'm lying about all that, but the competitive spirit was very much on display, as 15 teams vied for the trivia trophy. We Always Come From Behind decided to come from ahead, by jumping out to an early lead with a successful Round One double!

Though they held that lead through five rounds, Urban Achievers steadily chipped away at it, gaining a point or two each round, tied the score in Round Six, and outscored 'em in the final round to win the night by a slim 2 points!

Pasadena Peeps finished in third place, by just ONE POINT, with a total of 53, and both Circus-Sized Peanuts and Tequila Mockingbird finished up with identical scores of 52 - just one point out of the running!

It's no wonder the strong scent of competition permeated the room all night! These guys are good!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 10327 Urban Achievers 56 14 1.000
2 We Always Come From Behind 54 13 0.929
3 10325 Pasadena Peeps 53 12 0.857
4 Circus-Sized Peanuts 52 10 0.750
4 10467 Tequila Mockingbird 52 10 0.750
6 10298 Glochte to the Forehead 49 9 0.643
7 Win Manuel Miranda 47 8 0.571
8 10296 Bad News Barristers 44 7 0.500
9 10335 Pasadena Creeps 42 6 0.429
10 10337 I Wish This Mic Were a Cock 41 5 0.357
11 Futtbungus 36 4 0.286
12 10424 The Whole Half Yards 32 3 0.214
13 Old Friends & New Beginnings 27 2 0.143
14 Lab Coat Ladies 24 1 0.071
15 Drink, Drank, Drunk 17 0 0.000


Thu Aug 11 2016
| by Quizmaster Andy Ziskin

Congrats to all our winners! It was another tough round and a very close game between 2nd and 3rd that came down to a tie breaker!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 10298 I wish this cock was a Mike 77 11 1.000
2 10325 Pasadena Peeps 62 10 0.909
3 10330 Intravenus De Milo 60 8 0.773
3 10424 The Whole Half Yards 60 8 0.773
5 10336 Ezekiel 23:20 57 7 0.636
6 10337 I Wish This Mic Were a Cock 52 6 0.545
7 Jake 46 5 0.455
8 10327 Urban Achievers 44 4 0.364
9 Ale marys 36 2 0.227
9 Jupiters mistress 36 2 0.227
11 Ramus 35 1 0.091
12 Trump tower climbing team 31 0 0.000