Five Threads Brewing Company

31133 Via Colinas #109
Weslake Village CA 91362
(805) 457-599
  • PUB QUIZ—Tuesdays @ 7:00pm
About Five Threads Brewing Company

Five Threads Brewing Company, your neighborhood brewery, serves up the ultimate Craft Beer Microbrewery Experience by bringing together the best of craft beer: Water, Malt, Hops, Yeast AND YOU!


Tue May 7 2019
| by Quizmaster Louis Carvalho

All the teams struggled a bit tonight. GBD took an early lead with a double in round 2, but then Darius doubled successfully in round 3 while everyone else failed their doubles. It happened again in round 4 with Darius guessing the who correctly for 8 while the rest guessed incorrectly. GBD nearly caught up, but failed to push past Darius.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 Darius 43 2 1.000
2 14538 Group Blind Date 41 1 0.500
3 13874 Mathilda 34 0 0.000


Tue Apr 30 2019
| by Quizmaster Louis Carvalho

It was a tight match until Inglorious had an incorrect guess in round 4. Then Alpha took the night's only successful double in round 5. Mathilda kept their score up to beat Inglorious.

Guess what? It's gonna be May!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 13250 Alpha Stop 59 3 1.000
2 13874 Mathilda 43 2 0.667
3 18549 Inglorious Bastards 33 1 0.333
4 19181 Army of One 4 0 0.000


Tue Apr 23 2019
| by Quizmaster Louis Carvalho

It started out as a pretty tight match. Even Group Blind Date struggled a bit in the first couple of rounds. The Beergicians and Darius managed the first successful doubles in round 3.

Round 6 is where it really took off. The Avocado Rollerz (who arrived late), Darius, and GBD successfully doubled. 2good kicked themselves for not doubling.

In the final round, Mathilda was able to successfully double, shooting up into the top 3.

Darius did amazingly well, especially for a one-man team!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 Darius 62 8 1.000
2 13874 Mathilda 57 7 0.875
3 14538 Group Blind Date 53 6 0.750
4 19499 2good 52 5 0.625
5 15000 Avocado Rollerz 49 4 0.500
6 19497 Baconators 38 3 0.375
7 19500 The Beergicians 34 2 0.250
8 Texts from Your Mom 31 1 0.125
9 Odd Man Out 13 0 0.000