Five Threads Brewing Company

31133 Via Colinas #109
Weslake Village CA 91362
(805) 457-599
  • PUB QUIZ—Tuesdays @ 7:00pm
About Five Threads Brewing Company

Five Threads Brewing Company, your neighborhood brewery, serves up the ultimate Craft Beer Microbrewery Experience by bringing together the best of craft beer: Water, Malt, Hops, Yeast AND YOU!


Tue Dec 3 2019
| by Quizmaster Louis Carvalho

Confidence. Tonight's battle was settled by a lack of confidence in the right places and over-confidence in the wrong places.

The BOBs successfully doubled right out of the gate. Unfortunately, GBD and Mathilda unsuccessfully doubled.

In round 6, "B" Team, Hufflepuff, and Losers could have doubled, but didn't. GBD, Mathilda, and Quiz unsuccessfully doubled.

So, the BOBs rode their double and solid scores into 1st place. Versus took the only successful round 6 double into 2nd place. "B" Team hung on with their solid scores to take 3rd.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 23583 Box Office Boys AKA The BOBs 52 10 1.000
2 19185 Alien vs. Predator vs. Freddy vs. Jason 46 9 0.900
3 15083 The “B” Team 45 8 0.800
4 22425 Team 22 34 7 0.700
5 23222 Riddle Me This 32 6 0.600
6 Quiz in My Pants 30 5 0.500
7 14538 Group Blind Date 29 4 0.400
8 13874 Mathilda 27 2 0.250
8 Hufflepuff 27 2 0.250
10 The Losers 23 1 0.100
11 3 Bums 5 0 0.000


Tue Nov 26 2019
| by Quizmaster Louis Carvalho

Everyone came out for the holiday week to try and prove just how smart they are!

The B Team and Splinter Stone (welcome back, folks!) kicked off the game with successful doubles in the very first round. Lord Ruler made a strong push with a successful double in round 3 but then followed with an incorrect Guess Where. GBD almost sank themselves with a failed double in round 5, but they recovered strong. Yeast's successful double in round 5 wasn't quite enough to move into the top 3.

7 of the 12 teams successfully doubled in round 6, making this a very high-scoring game indeed!

Mathilda could have taken it home unopposed if they'd doubled in round 1 or 3, but those perfect scores combined with the successful double in round 6 kept them on top.

Group Blind Date could have taken it home unopposed if not for their failed double in round 5. Successful doubles in the final two rounds caught them up with Mathilda, though, and only a low guess at the number of stitches on a baseball kept them from 1st place.

Splinter Stone could have taken it home unopposed (sensing the theme here?) if only they hadn't doubled in the final round. Successful doubles in rounds 1 and 6 kept them among the leaders, though, and they still took home 3rd.

Team 22 and Quiz were left juuuust outside the top 3, but this was Team 22's strongest showing yet.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1* 13874 Mathilda 63 10 0.955
1 14538 Group Blind Date 63 10 0.955
3 13526 Splinter Stone 61 9 0.818
4 Quiz in My Pants 60 8 0.727
5 22425 Team 22 59 7 0.636
6 23222 Riddle Me This 56 6 0.545
7 19185 Last But Not Yeast 52 5 0.455
8 23603 Burrito Kings 45 4 0.364
9 Lord Ruler 44 2 0.227
9 15083 The B Team 44 2 0.227
11 Giblet Gobblers 37 1 0.091
12 Team Cybertruck 13 0 0.000
* Won Tiebreaker


Tue Nov 19 2019
| by Quizmaster Louis Carvalho

Most the teams agreed: this was a tough quiz tonight!

Mathilda was able to ride a 10-point Guess Who to victory! The Adults tied them up in round 6, but their guess for the Dow Jones was too high.

"B" was cruising just below the top teams, but the Kings managed a successful double in the final round to catch them up. The Kings guess at the Dow Jones was far too low, though, leaving "B" to take the 3rd place prize.

It was interesting to see a final round that was nearly a wash. Every team except the Kings and one other got 7/10 right!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1* 13874 Mathilda 48 6 0.929
1 11130 Nonfunctioning Adults 48 6 0.929
3* 15083 The “B” Team 44 4 0.643
3 23603 Burrito Kings 44 4 0.643
5 19181 Army of One 40 3 0.429
6 19185 Piping Hot Gatorade 37 2 0.286
7 Quiz in My Pants 35 1 0.143
8 22425 Team 22 25 0 0.000
* Won Tiebreaker