Five Threads Brewing Company

31133 Via Colinas #109
Weslake Village CA 91362
(805) 457-599
  • PUB QUIZ—Tuesdays @ 7:00pm
About Five Threads Brewing Company

Five Threads Brewing Company, your neighborhood brewery, serves up the ultimate Craft Beer Microbrewery Experience by bringing together the best of craft beer: Water, Malt, Hops, Yeast AND YOU!


Tue Oct 1 2019
| by Quizmaster Louis Carvalho

Our top three teams tonight stepped out with perfect scores (although no doubles) in the picture round.

GBD started out just behind the other two, but a correct 10-point Guess Who put them ahead. High scores in the final three rounds kept them there.

Mathilda fumbled a bit in round 3, but they kept up a steady pace to stay in the top 3.

Quizzer had the biggest mis-step of the three: a failed Guess in round 4. Strong scores in every other round, including a near-perfect final round, kept them in the top 3.

In fact, Quizzer's mistake in round 3 allowed Army and Burrito into the top 3 for a round. Unfortunately, both teams fumbled the opportunity in round 5.

And now we all know that a kite is the official name of a quadrilateral.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 14538 Group Blind Date 54 7 1.000
2* 13874 Mathilda 45 5 0.786
2 21770 You're A Quizzer, Harry! 45 5 0.786
4 19181 Army of One 39 4 0.571
5 Quiz in My Pants 33 3 0.429
6 Burrito Kings 32 2 0.286
7 21784 The pup plays! 31 1 0.143
8 24 Points Quota 30 0 0.000
* Won Tiebreaker


Tue Sep 24 2019
| by Quizmaster Louis Carvalho

Group Blind Date came back tonight and reminded everyone which team (usually) rules Five Threads. Successful doubles in the first two rounds is all it took to put them on top. Keeping up with the rest of the teams kept them there.

Mathilda, repeat winners for weeks now, managed to stay on top of everyone else with consistently high scores. They just couldn't manage to catch up to GBD.

In spite of not capitalizing on a perfect score in round 2, the Goldfish managed 3rd place, just a couple points behind Mathilda.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 14538 Group Blind Date 64 5 1.000
2 13874 Mathilda 46 4 0.800
3 11130 Goldfish 43 3 0.600
4 Quiz in My Pants 39 2 0.400
5 21784 John-Less 34 1 0.200
6 flubshrubbery 33 0 0.000
* Won Tiebreaker


Tue Sep 17 2019
| by Quizmaster Louis Carvalho

Tonight's leaders jumped out early, each one successfully doubling in round 2. I guess some people do remember who came in 2nd. 🙂

Mathilda took the lead in round 5. #Dude stayed just behind them. While Sarcasm started out behind, they made a solid effort to overtake the other two.

The B Team kept up solid scores all night, but just weren't able to make up for the lead the other 3 teams had on them.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 13874 Mathilda 52 8 1.000
2 19811 #Dude 51 7 0.875
3 Sarcasm Cubed 49 6 0.750
4 15083 The B Team 48 5 0.625
5 14538 Group Blind Date 39 4 0.500
6 You Can't Sit with Us 35 2 0.312
6 21784 Team First Place 35 2 0.312
8 13094 Spectrum 34 1 0.125
9 11130 Five Threads of Fate 33 0 0.000
* Won Tiebreaker