1739 Public House

1739 N. Vermont Ave.
Los Angeles CA 90027
(323) 663-1739


Wed Aug 10 2016
| by Quizmaster Josh Tariff

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 10285 Bruce Jennertalia 70 10 1.000
2 10050 Quizzlers Pull n' Peel 66 9 0.900
3 Buncha Zeroes 62 8 0.800
4 Rags to Rags Story 60 7 0.700
5 This is already going poorly 57 6 0.600
6 Like Jon Snow, we know nothing 44 5 0.500
7 Robert Durst of HBO's The Jinx 42 4 0.400
8 Unicorns are Real 41 3 0.300
9 Having a Blast Crisis 33 2 0.200
10 Dumbledores Army 32 1 0.100
11 10194 The Number of Homeless Dudes Sean Has Blown Is... 25 0 0.000


Wed Aug 3 2016
| by Quizmaster Austin Welsh

A strong field of 13 contenders tonight, congratulations to team Yessss who took home the grand prize AND the drinking round!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 10253 Yesss!! 61 12 1.000
2 10285 Bruce Jennertalia 56 11 0.917
3 10254 This is Already Going Poorly 53 10 0.833
4 Having a Blast Crisis 47 9 0.750
5 10251 Fear of Flying 45 8 0.667
6 10194 The Number of Homeless Dudes Sean Has Blown Is... 42 7 0.583
7 Hermaphrodite Barbie Comes in her Own Box 39 6 0.500
8 Like Jon Snow, We Know Nothing 38 5 0.417
9 Quizzler Pull&Peel 37 4 0.333
10 10205 Not the Muppets but We Get That a Lot 33 2 0.208
10 Hank's Wild Years 33 2 0.208
12 Screw You Matt Kriger 30 1 0.083
13 Team 3 19 0 0.000