Q: What is Forrest Gump's Wifi Password?
A: 1Forrest1
Gather round, my friends, and I'll tell you the tragic story of Mike Pence None The Richer, and their struggle to execute an effective double-or-nothing strategy this week at Golden Road Brewery in Glendale.
The story begins with its conclusion: MPNTR - an accomplished team that had performed very strongly in the past - racked up a respectable 56 points 6th place in a field of 19 teams. That's pretty good, right!? Sure it is! But oh! What might have been...
In the first round, the Pencers were pensive, and despite answering all question correctly, opted against attempting the double. That's a potential-point-loss (PPL) of 6 points!
In similar fashion, they went eight-for-eight in the round two picture round, but again, went with the safe, cautious approach and didn't double. PPL - 8 points. But then, a glimmer of hope! They doubled successfully in round three, scoring the full 12 points! Huzzah!
Then, in round four, MPNTR was the only team to hit it with the first clue! TEN POINTS more, and a nice come-from-behind win seemed to be in the works. But then, disaster! On both round 5 and 6 - you guessed it! Perfectly correct answers but no doubles on either! PPL of 10+10=20! OMG!
Then, to put it all into sharp focus and put it in perspective, they doubled in round 7 - and got stung with an incorrect answer! No points! They finished 31 points behind the night's winner, Those People. And if you add up the PPLs...well...nevermind, Mike. There's always next week!
Have you heard about the new shopping mall called Moderation?
They have everything!
There was no moderation whatsoever in the performance of Tomb of the Sister Act this week at Golden Road Brewery in Glendale. They broke out big time with an impressive 83 points to take the night in glorious triumph!
The Golden Ghouls and Betty White Privilege engaged in a delightful back-and-forth battle for supremacy all night, with the Ghouls edging out Betty by a skosh to take second and third, respectively. (And respectfully, truth be told.)
And we can't ignore the delightful word play of Elizabeth Warren Peace (aka Trivial Times at the Golden Road) who combined Presidential politics with a literary reference in a manner that we just have to acknowledge!
We applaud that sort of cleverness, and salute all our quizzers this week. See ya next week. on the beautiful GR side yard patio.
Q: What should a chef use to mend a broken pizza?
A: Tomato Paste! *
It was another big, raucous, fun-filled night at Golden Road Brewery in Glendale this week, as nearly two dozen teams of stalwart quizinators gathered to do battle in one of the most delightful settings in the King Trivia kingdom.
In an impressive display of come-back determination, Perfect Strangers - which finished in a distant 15th place just a week earlier - devastated all competition to win the night with an impressive 72 points.
Trashley Wards didn't make it easy for 'em, though. The Wards battled the Stangers right to the end, and the slim two-point margin of victory serves to illustrate the high level of competition that exists at this venue!
Indeed, six teams finished the night with 60 points or better, which means that if you're gonna quiz at Golden Road, you need to bring your "A" game. Anything less, and you might find yourself using a team name like My Teamates Suck!
See ya next week!
* Dad jokes RULE!