Pickwick's Pub

21010 Ventura Blvd.
Woodland Hills CA 91364
(818) 340-9673
  • PUB QUIZ—Wednesdays @ 8:00pm


Wed Jun 12 2019
| by Quizmaster Daniel Bliley

Another fun Wednesday night was had at Pickwick's Pub in Woodland Hills for King Trivia! There was a tie breaker, a talent show, and voice impressions! See what you miss out on in two hours at a bar on Wednesday nights?

For the Drinking Round we had a talent show, and teams that wanted to compete for a round of shots sent up their players to show off a talent of theirs. With two teams sending up players doing Family Guy impressions, it turned into an impression-off between Spicy and Span, and Great Scotts. But Spicy and Span had more characters and had more dialogue, so they won the Drinking Round and a round of shots for their team! Giggity giggity!

But that wasn't the last time we would hear from the Great Scotts, because their team had to compete in a tiebreaker for the 3rd place prize against Hanky Panky! Both teams had scored 47 points! But this time, Great Scott came through with the win, and they won a $10 gift certificate for their team!

Coming in second place were the Mighty Mighty Puffins! They scored 55 points to get the $20 gift certificate this week!

And last but not least, our 1st place team, Bristol Fashion who don't play often, but when they do, they usually place in the top 3. This week they won the $30 gift certificate with a score of 60 points! Woot woot!

That wraps it up for this week's King Trivia at Pickwick's Pub in Woodland Hills! See you next Wednesday for more fun times! Make sure to help control the pet population, have your pets spayed and neutered. Goodnight!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 Bristol Fashion 60 10 1.000
2 10518 Mighty mighty puffins 55 9 0.900
3* Great Scotts 47 7 0.750
3 Hanky Panky 47 7 0.750
5 Spicy and Span 43 6 0.600
6 Blue Collar Man 40 5 0.500
7 16870 Ralph and Princess Vanelope 37 4 0.400
8 Go Blues 36 3 0.300
9 Bubbles 30 2 0.200
10 11486 Quizzly bears 26 1 0.100
11 No no we're not playing 9 0 0.000
* Won Tiebreaker


Wed Jun 5 2019
| by Quizmaster Daniel Bliley

When it's hump day, you know you can count on having fun on Wednesday night at Pickwick's Pub in Woodland Hills because King Trivia happens every week at 8!

This week, for the Drinking Round, teams had to face off in a head to head tournament style game where each team had to send up one member to play. They would face off against another team and on go had to be the first team to bounce two pencils on their erasers into a glass that was on their table. Whoever got two pencils in first would move on to the next round. Surviving 3 rounds of play and getting better and better with each round, were the Cat Lovers! They scored their round of shots and learned that they now have a new talent!

Coming in 3rd place was Feel Better Catticus, who scored 60 points! They won a $10 gift certificate and 3rd place bragging rights!

But they couldn't brag to Renaissance Women, because they took 2nd place and won themselves a $20 gift certificate! 2 successful double or nothings in Round 5 and Round 6 to help get them there!

And who came in 1st place? Well, none other than the Mighty Mighty Puffins of course! This week they scored 76 points answering about 90 percent of the questions right and also successfully doubling down in Rounds 5 and 6 as well! They took home a $30 gift certificate! Way to go!

And that just about wraps it up! See you next Wednesday at Pickwick's Pub in Woodland Hills for more King Trivia! Remember as always, help control the pet population. Have your pets spayed or neutered!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 10518 Mighty mighty puffins 76 11 1.000
2 Renaissance Women 70 10 0.909
3 13526 Feel Better Catticus 60 9 0.818
4 10685 Hanky Panky 58 8 0.727
5 Shot Through the Heart 39 7 0.636
6 Lil Bits 38 6 0.545
7 Cat Lovers 37 5 0.455
8 Vikings and Saints 35 4 0.364
9 16840 Ralph and Princess Vanelope 29 3 0.273
10 Holy Shrimp 28 2 0.182
11 T-Gun's Bday 24 1 0.091
12 Pickwick's Dick Pics 13 0 0.000
* Won Tiebreaker


Wed May 29 2019
| by Quizmaster Daniel Bliley

I keep telling you where to go for some fun on Wednesday nights but still you haven't listened! Well I'll tell you again, Wednesday nights at Pickwick's Pub for King Trivia is the place to be!

For the Drinking Round, teams had to send up one player to play a round of darts. Except that the players had to use their non-dominant hand to throw the darts. Whichever team could get closest to the bullseye with three darts thrown would win! For the most part, everybody hit the dart board at least once, but there was one team that not only hit the board all three times, but got a double bullseye! That team was Hanky Panky and they won themselves the round if shots! Cheers!

Coming in third place was Mike Hunt Returns! They scored 42 points and a $10 gift certificate! Woot woot!

In second place was Will Smith is a Genie! They scored 49 points and won themselves a $20 gift certificate! Way to go team!

And finally, last but not least, we're the Mighty Mighty Puffins. They continue their dominance with another 1st place victory, scoring a whopping and wonderful score of 69 points!! 69!?!? Amazing! They took home the $30 gift certificate!

Now you see why it's so fun? You know where you're going next Wednesday? That's right, Pickwick's Pub in Woodland Hills for King Trivia! I'll see you there!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 10518 Mighty mighty puffins 69 8 1.000
2 Will Smith is a Genie 49 7 0.875
3 Mike Hunt Returns 42 6 0.750
4 Nice Guys Finish Fourth 41 5 0.625
5 10685 Hanky Panky 39 3 0.438
5 Lil Bits 39 3 0.438
7 You'll Get Nothing and Like It! 26 2 0.250
8 Maga Maniacs 20 1 0.125
9 Physics 15 0 0.000
* Won Tiebreaker