Pickwick's Pub

21010 Ventura Blvd.
Woodland Hills CA 91364
(818) 340-9673
  • PUB QUIZ—Wednesdays @ 8:00pm


Wed Jan 17 2018
| by Quizmaster Daniel Bliley

Holy Moly!!! It was standing room only on Wednesday night at Pickwick's Pub for King Trivia!! Both the front and the back rooms were packed with players eager to show off their knowledge and win prizes!!!

For the drinking round, each team had to send up their luckiest player. Each player from the different teams lined up while Quizmaster Danny rolled a 20-sided die. Once a number was rolled, each player had to guess whether the next number would be higher or lower. If they guessed correctly, they would stay in the game. Guess incorrectly, and they were out. It came down to the biggest team and the smallest team, and the smallest team, The Louisville Lip, won himself a shot!!!

Coming in third place were the Survivors who scored 66 points, just 5 more points than the 4th place team. A successful double or nothing in Round 5 did the trick!

In second place, scoring a whopping 74 points after a successful double or nothing on rounds 6 and 7 vaulted them from the middle of the pack to 2nd and won them a $20 gift certificate!

And last but not least, who else, but the Mighty Mighty Puffins who scored 78 points!! They also made it into the top 100 teams for the Tournament of Champions! Way to go team!

That concludes this week's recap! See you next Wednesday!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 10518 Mighty mighty puffins 78 15 1.000
2 12700 Dog Mama's 74 14 0.933
3 10879 Survivors 66 13 0.867
4 12983 Alternative Facts 61 12 0.800
5 Renaissance Women 60 11 0.733
6 Hollywood Hikers 52 10 0.667
7 From a Shithole Country 50 9 0.600
8 Alt S or Be Sent 45 7 0.500
8 Blue Collar People 45 7 0.500
10 Thespian Phase 44 6 0.400
11 The Louisville Lip 40 3 0.267
11 Diversity Poster 40 3 0.267
11 Monstars 40 3 0.267
14 Martini Weinies 33 2 0.133
15 Birthday Dates 11 1 0.067
16 High Riders 5 0 0.000


Wed Jan 10 2018
| by Quizmaster Daniel Bliley

50 players packed in to the Packer's bar called Pickwick's Pub in Woodland Hills on Wednesday night for King Trivia! Even some of quizmaster Danny's OG trivia playing friends that he used to play trivia with before he hosted trivia many many moons ago were there! Good to see you Avalon and Meredith!

For the drinking round, teams had to come up with their best pick-up lines. The winner, was Alternative Facts with their line, "Curiosity may have killed the cat, but I can make your pussy come to life!" Looks like I got some new tools for meeting chicks next time I go out!

Coming in 3rd place was team Open to Anything, who scored 63 points! They tried to bribe the quizmaster with sexual favors, but it only got them as high as 3rd place! Better luck next time guys!! Lol

In second place, scoring 64 points, was Alternative Facts who also won the drinking round! Way to score 2 wins you guys! They finished strong scoring a successful double or nothing in round 5, a perfect 10 points in round 6, and 9 out of 10 correct in the final round to just edge out Open to Anything by 1 point!

And the winners of course, always a powerhouse team, and one of the most consistently attending teams, the Mighty Mighty Puffins, took first place with a whopping 78 points! I think they're gearing up for the Tournament of Champions! They successfully doubled down in rounds 1, 2, and 6, and only missed one answer on rounds 3 and 5. They got the 8 point clue for Gambler's Corner, and only missed two on the final round! Way to kick ass Sea Bass!!!

See all of you for more King Trivia next Wednesday night at Pickwick's Pub in Woodland Hills!! Remember as always, help control the pet population, have your pets spayed or neutered!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 10518 Mighty mighty puffins 78 8 1.000
2 12983 Alternative Facts 64 7 0.875
3 Open to Anything 63 6 0.750
4 RIP Salami Sam 61 5 0.625
5 The Sickness 58 4 0.500
6 Explosive Cyclogenesis 47 3 0.375
7 12700 Dog Mama's 45 2 0.250
8 Blue Collar Man 40 1 0.125
9 Dildo Schwaggins 38 0 0.000


Wed Jan 3 2018
| by Quizmaster Daniel Bliley

Pickwick's Pub on Wednesday night was filled with 45 eager players hoping to win some gift certificates!

For the drinking round, teams had to send up a player to do their best dance moves for a round of shots for their team. Winning the round with funky chicken moves, was team Unique New York!

In second place scoring 63 points was team Team Name! They led most of the night until round 5 when they scored 8 points but another team doubled down successfully to take the lead from them.

That team was The Might Mighty Puffins, who won 1st place scoring 67 points. They captured the lead with their succesful double down in Round 5 and never gave it back! Good job you guys!

See you next week for some more King Trivia at Pickwick's Pub on Wednesday night!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 10518 Mighty mighty puffins 67 7 1.000
2 Team Name 62 6 0.857
3 Unique New York 51 5 0.714
4 I Wish This Microphone was a Dick 40 4 0.571
5 12700 Dog Mama's 36 3 0.429
6 No Mountain Lions 35 2 0.286
7 Physical Coupon 28 1 0.143
8 10641 The Knights Who Say Ni 26 0 0.000