Pickwick's Pub

21010 Ventura Blvd.
Woodland Hills CA 91364
(818) 340-9673
  • PUB QUIZ—Wednesdays @ 8:00pm


Wed Dec 28 2016
| by Quizmaster Daniel Bliley

Wednesday night was a slower but still a fun night at Pickwick's Pub in Woodland Hills for King Trivia. There were only 4 teams that played, so only two teams got prizes. And it turned out to be the night of the pants as team New Year New Pants dominated the night and took home first place with 75 points. Quiz in My Pants snagged the 2nd place spot after round #5, and took home the prize with 48 points. Although they took the lead away from Einstein's Dick, even they didn't go home empty handed as they won the drinking round as they were able to drop the "New Year's ball" into a bowl after transporting it around the bar between two teammates' butt cheeks. Needless to say, everyone had a ball...

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 New Year, New Pants 75 3 1.000
2 Quiz in My Pants 48 2 0.667
3 10273 She sells seashells and she's a whore 46 0 0.167
3 AG Big Time Super Fun Time Team 46 0 0.167


Wed Dec 21 2016
| by Quizmaster Daniel Bliley

  • Twas the Wednesday before Christmas and all through the pub, King Trivia goers were drinking and eating good grub. Their intelligence was peaking as questions were read, and answers were written down quickly as they popped into their heads. When all of a sudden their came a such a roar, as team Milo doubled down on the final round to get the high score. The Mighty Mighty Puffins were leading the race, but with 54 points only took 2nd place. Not to leave empty handed as they walked out the door, taking 3rd place with a $10 gift certificate was team Whatever Number 4. But that wasn't all as The Mighty Mighty Puffins also let out a sound, as their team also won the candy cane drinking round! The quizmaster was finished and left in his car, and away he went but not very far, but before he left the bar heard him exclaim, 'ere he drove out of sight, "Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good-night!"

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 Milo 63 8 1.000
2 10518 Mighty mighty puffins 54 7 0.875
3 Whatever #4 48 6 0.750
4 10270 Gin Soaked Bar Maids 45 4 0.562
4 Tequila Mockingbird 45 4 0.562
6 Peter's Pipers 44 3 0.375
7 B2 36 2 0.250
8 THC 35 1 0.125
9 Blaises 20 0 0.000


Wed Dec 14 2016
| by Quizmaster Daniel Bliley

Wednesday night at Pickwick's was another fun night, although a little slower than last week. However there was still great competition between teams vying for the lead.

Putin on the Ritz and Mighty Mighty Puffins went back and forth with the lead but a final round successful double or nothing by Mighty Mighty Puffins put them in the lead to secure 1st Place with 82 points! Putin on the Ritz led from Round 4, getting the Gambler's Corner on the 10 point clue, until round 7 when the Puffins retook the lead. Putin on the Ritz scored 74 points to take second. Coming in third was Gin Soaked Bar Maids who started round one with a tie for the lead, lost ground though in round two, but recaptured third place in round 5 with a successful double or nothing and maintained that 3rd place spot through the end of the game scoring 62 points.

For the drinking round, contestants had to pick up a Christmas ornament with a paperclip on a string hanging down to the floor, attached to their belts. Once contestants picked up the ornament, they had to walk to the other side of the bar and drop the ornament back down on the ornament holder. Gin Soaked Bar Maids accomplished the feat in 19.7 seconds to win the drinking round.

T'was another

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 10518 Mighty mighty puffins 82 7 1.000
2 Putin on the Ritz 74 6 0.857
3 10270 Gin Soaked Bar Maids 62 5 0.714
4 The Han Solo 58 4 0.571
5 #SimonSays 55 3 0.429
6 The Smarty Pints 52 2 0.286
7 Trio 18 1 0.143
8 Not Drunk Enough 17 0 0.000