Pickwick's Pub

21010 Ventura Blvd.
Woodland Hills CA 91364
(818) 340-9673
  • PUB QUIZ—Wednesdays @ 8:00pm


Wed Jul 11 2018
| by Quizmaster Daniel Bliley

I think we can all agree, Wednesday nights are the perfect nights to play a game of King Trivia at Pickwick's Pub in Woodland Hills! This Wednesday nights game was no different! We started a little later than normal due to a misplaced PA system, but it was found and the late start allowed more teams to join the fun!

It was 7-11 day but not one person in the bar had taken advantage of the free slurpee day at 7-Eleven! Shocking!

For the Drinking Round, each team competed in a head to head tournament-style game of Gaucho Ball! The object of the game, was to bounce your ping pong ball into your own cup and then stack that cup into the opponent's cup before they get their ping pong ball into their own. If your cup got stcked beforebyour ping pong ball was in, that player would be eliminated. The last person standing wins a round of shots! Well after playing 4 grueling rounds, The Best took the round of shots with the win!!!

Coming in third place, was team Diversity Poster who were only ten points behind our leaders! Can you guess who it is? More on that later...

Coming in second place was our celebrity named team, Don Glover Dong Lover who scored 60 points! So close to the leader... Any guesses?

With 63 points, the Mighty Mighty Puffins win first place, continuing their dominating performances with another victory!

All in all a solid performance by all teams! See you again next Wednesday night right back at Pickwick's Pub in Woodland Hills!

And don't forget, register your team for The Office themed King Trivia on July 29th! Tickets go on sale Monday July 16th! Get some for your team before they sell out!!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 10518 Mighty mighty puffins 63 10 1.000
2 10879 Don Glover Dong Lover 60 9 0.900
3 14133 Diversity Poster 53 8 0.800
4 12827 Hair Is Not An Option 45 7 0.700
5 3BS 43 6 0.600
6 The Best 41 5 0.500
7 The Teachers 40 4 0.400
8 Free Slurpees 39 2 0.250
8 My Driving Team has a Trivia Problem 39 2 0.250
10 Ryan 36 1 0.100
11 Wohl 26 0 0.000


Wed Jun 27 2018
| by Quizmaster Daniel Bliley

While you were busy washing your hair on Wednesday night, we were at Pickwick's Pub in Woodland Hills playing King Trivia and you are missing out on all the fun!

For the drinking round, each team had to send up a player to play. The object of the game was to be the fastest person to blow up three balloons and tie them into a knot without them popping. With a blazingly fast inflation speed and knot tying ability, the Think Tanks won the free round of shots!

Coming in 3rd place were, oddly enough, the team that last week anwered every question correctly, the Mighty Mighty Puffins. They scored only 64 points this week compared to the +100 point game the week before! It was still good enough to win them the $10 gift certificate. Watch for them to reach that number 1 spot again next week!

Coming in second place after leading until round 6, was team Trivia Guy is Cool. Maybe they earned some bribery points due to their name? Maaaayyyybbbeeeee... 😉 They had a phenomenal game and scored 72 points, just 6 behind the first place team, to take home a $20 gift certificate! Whoohooo!!!

And coming in first place scoring 78 points was team Score on a Bumble Recovery, took home the $30 gift certificate after taking the lead in round 6 and holding on in the final round!

And there you have it folks! King Trivia at Pickwick's Pub is taking a break for 4th of July, but we'll be back on the 11th for more King Trivia at Pickwick's Pub in Woodland Hills on Wednesday night! See you then!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 13681 Score on a bumble recovery 78 10 1.000
2 10058 Trivia Guy is Cool 72 9 0.900
3 10518 Mighty Mighty Puffins 64 8 0.800
4 Quizzly Bears 60 6 0.650
4 Pogue Mahoney 60 6 0.650
6 14133 Diversity Poster 59 5 0.500
7 Hanky Panky 57 4 0.400
8 12827 Hair Is Not An Option 41 3 0.300
9 Think Tanks 38 2 0.200
10 Essex Boys 34 1 0.100
11 Barry McCockener 25 0 0.000


Wed Jun 20 2018
| by Quizmaster Daniel Bliley

Well, I could be wrong, because I've been hosting King Trivia for a very long time, but I don't think I've ever seen this happen before, either playing or as a quizmaster, but on Wednesday night at Pickwick's Pub in Woodland Hills, one team answered EVERY QUESTION CORRECTLY!! But first, let me tell you about the rest of the night...

We had a drinking round! We always do, but Wednesday's Drinking Round was all about..... Drumroll please... DRINKING ROUNDS! That's right, each team had to come up with their most unique ideas for a Drinking Round game! Not original? Boring Drinking Round you say? Well after about 500-600 shows hosted, it's tough to have an original game each week. So I cheated a bit and had each team try and come up with some. And I got some pretty good suggestions! See all ideas in the pics above! The winners, Hanky Panky, won the Drinking Round of Drinking Rounds with their suggestion, a solo cup stacking competition to see who could stack a pyramid with solo cups the fastest, but with a twist, using two people from each team only able to stack them using a rubber band held by both of them to pick up the cups. No hands allowed!!! We will try all these suggestions in the next few weeks! Thanks for the suggestions everyone!

Scoring 64 points was good enough to earn team Here For the Beer ? ? more than just a few ???, because they won the third place prize of a $10 gift certificate as well!

In second place, our Drinking Round stars, Hanky Panky, also killed it with 80 points, and won not only a free round of shots of Evan Williams, but also a $20 gift certificate! Woohoo!!!

And for the moment you've all been waiting for, more on the team with all the answers correct. I know what you're first thought is, "THEY WERE CHEATING!!!" All the jealous teams say this all the time about really smart teams. But the Mighty Mighty Puffins, are always bringing the hard competition, and almost every week they play, are in the top 3, but usually come in 1st or 2nd! And I can vouch for them that they have never ever cheated. They just know their $#!+ !!! So way to go again to the Mighty Mighty Puffins! They didn't double in the first round, and they got the Guess Who Round 4 answer on the 8 point clue, otherwise they would have perfectly scored the night! Still, what an accomplishment!!!

And that wraps it up! See you next Wednesday for more King Trivia at Pickwick's Pub in Woodland Hills. Remember to help control the pet population, have your pets spayed and neutered! Good night!


Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 10518 Mighty mighty puffins 103 9 1.000
2 10685 Hanky Panky 80 8 0.889
3 Here For the Beer 64 7 0.778
4 12827 Dog Mamas and Papas Version 2.0 60 6 0.667
5 Barry McCockener 57 5 0.556
6 We Suck at This 53 4 0.444
7 England For the Cup 38 3 0.333
8 Perfect Stranger Things 33 2 0.222
9 DG ❤️ SRB 20 1 0.111
10 Ry King 16 0 0.000