Pickwick's Pub

21010 Ventura Blvd.
Woodland Hills CA 91364
(818) 340-9673
  • PUB QUIZ—Wednesdays @ 8:00pm


Wed Nov 16 2016
| by Quizmaster Daniel Bliley

What a packed night at Pickwick's Pub for King Trivia on Wednesday night! Many teams and people came to enjoy themselves and get away from the political fog we have all found ourselves in lately.

The host shared a message of love and appreciation to the crowd for the friendships he has made with everyone that always comes to play, before starting the game. In today's world full of negative news and images we seem to have been barraged with lately, it is important to spread love and to make people happy.

That being said, 12 teams came out to compete, and score changes abounded throughout the night. Poor Section of Malibu took an early lead in Round 1 correctly guessing all the answers, but didn't double down. In Round 2, 4 Years From Sober was the first team to double down successfully and captured the lead. Poor Section of Malibu fell to a tie for 6th place. 4 Years From Sober maintained the lead in Round 3, but several other teams successfully doubled including; Poor Section of Malibu, LITE, Feedonomics, Gin Soaked Bar Maids, and The Mighty Mighty Puffins, to come within a few points of the leaders. In Round 4, LITE took over the lead with a correct guess on the 10 point clue, with Pogue Mahoney, The Mildings, Gin Soaked Bar Maids, Ghost Face Distiller, and The Mighty Mighty Puffins also correctly guessing on the 10 point clue. In the Find The Connection Round, round 5, LITE maintained the lead, but the top of the leaderboard was crowded with Poor Section of Malibu, 4 Years From Sober, and Feedonomics within a few points of the lead. In the Drinking Round, The Mighty Mighty Puffins won by kicking the most field goals with a paper football, and won a round of shots. In Round 6, Feedonomics and Poor Section of Malibu were the only two teams to double down successfully and took 3rd and 1st Place respectively, as Poor Section of Malibu tied with Gin Soaked Bar Maids at 65 points. In Round 7, oddly enough, 7 teams successfully doubled down, but the three teams in the lead, also successfully doubled, so it came down to a tie breaker question between Poor Section of Malibu, and Gin Soaked Bar Maids, with Poor Section of Malibu getting closest to the right answer and securing the first place prize with 85 points. In second place with 85 points was Gin Soaked Bar Maids, and coming in 3rd was Feedonomics with 83 points. And another successful and fun King Trivia night at Pickwick's Pub, came to a close.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 Poor Section of Malibu 85 10 0.955
1 10270 Gin Soaked Bar Maids 85 10 0.955
3 Feedonomics 83 9 0.818
4 10523 The Mildings 64 7 0.682
4 Pogue Mahoney 64 7 0.682
6 10518 Mighty mighty puffins 63 6 0.545
7 LITE 62 5 0.455
8 4 Years From Sober 59 4 0.364
9 The United Nations 49 3 0.273
10 Ghost Faced Distiller 47 2 0.182
11 Vodka Sodas 15 1 0.091
12 Bebe-King 14 0 0.000


Wed Nov 9 2016
| by Quizmaster Daniel Bliley

After telling from the election results, Wednesday night at Pickwick's Pub was sort of a slow  for King Trivia this week. But the bar was filled with King Trivia veterans so the game went smoothly and quickly. The drinking round was won by the Mighty Mighty Puffins who beat out the other teams in a peanut butter M & M toss from one teammate into the mouth of the other.  The Nasty Renaissance Women had a great showing this week as they kicked butt and took the first place prize with 73 points with the help of two successful double or nothing rounds thru capitalized on. Coming in Second place was The Mildings with 56 points, who took an early lead with a successful double or nothing in Round 1. Due to the lack of more than 6 teams, we only handed out 1st Place and Second place prizes, but everybody had a ton of fun and enjoyed themselves.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 Nasty Renaissance Women 73 4 1.000
2 10523 The Mildings 56 3 0.750
3 10518 Mighty mighty puffins 50 2 0.500
4 The Good News is 4 years of Alec Baldwin on SNL 49 1 0.250
5 10270 Gin Soaked Bar Maids 46 0 0.000


Wed Nov 2 2016
| by Quizmaster Daniel Bliley

I mean, what else could be said about Wednesday night's game at Pickwick's Pub other than, "Go, Cubs Go!"? There's clearly nothing else that needs to be said right? Oh wait, that's right, King Trivia still motored on with an exciting, albeit unorthodox order to the game than normal, but hey, that's what 108 years of pent up frustration finally being released will do to the game once every 108 years! Right? I mean, imagine if you held a piss for 108 years! Surely you would die! Anywho, I digress, Last nights King Trivia still kicked butt and so did The Mildings, who continued their dominant run with a score of 41 points, holding a sure grip on the lead throughout most of the night! In second was a team of women named 10-4 who scored  37 points and kept a close 2nd behind The Mildings since the beginning of the game! 10-4 celebrated a birthday on Wednesday night as well! Oh and did I mention there was a tie breaker round for third place? It came so close to reaching the excitement level of the final two innings of the World Series last night! 😉 Mighty Mighty Puffins, and Gin Soaked Best Maids battled it out in a single tie breaker "Single Question to the Death!" Just kidding, it was a question with a number for an answer, which Mighty Mighty Puffins guessed within 2 to take home the third place prize! It was another fun night at Pickwick's Pub for King Trivia. See you there next Wednesday night!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 10523 The Mildings 41 7 1.000
2 10-4 37 6 0.857
3 10518 Mighty mighty puffins 36 4 0.643
3 10270 Gin Soaked Bar Maids 36 4 0.643
5 One Cub 34 3 0.429
6 Betty White Supremacists 33 2 0.286
7 Go Cubs 27 1 0.143
8 A & J 13 0 0.000