Pickwick's Pub

21010 Ventura Blvd.
Woodland Hills CA 91364
(818) 340-9673
  • PUB QUIZ—Wednesdays @ 8:00pm


Wed Sep 26 2018
| by Quizmaster Daniel Bliley

Phew! This past Wednesday night at Pickwick's Pub in Woodland Hills for King Trivia was a smashing success! Featuring a skit from Monty Python and the Holy Grail, and a Drinking Round with Fruit by the Foot fruit roll-ups, Wednesday night had it all! If you weren't there, this is what you missed!

"Wait, what was that you said about a Monty Python and the Holy Grail skit?" Well thanks for asking! I'll tell you all about it. For round number 3, the category was Land O' Lakes, where the question or answer may have the word lake in it. So for question 2 of Round number 2, King Trivia asked: "In Arthurian Legend, which enchantress gives the sword Excalibur to Arthur?" This question gave Quizmaster Danny the perfect opportunity to act out the scene in Monty Python and the Holy Grail where King Arthur meets peasants and is trying to explain how he received Excalibur from the Lady of the Lake which gave him Divine right to be King. The quotes from the movie that were acted out in the skit are in a picture above!

For the Drinking Round, each team had to send up a member to compete in the Fruit by the Foot Challenge. This challenge, if you're not familiar, is to put the end of an unrolled Fruit by the Foot in your mouth, and without using hands, try and be the fastest one to eat it all. You can view a Youtube video of Wednesday nights Fruit by the Foot Challenge Drinking Round here: https://youtu.be/lcMJVMUrOAI

Congrats to Diversity Poster for winning the Drinking Round, and congrats to them as well for taking home the second place prize for the evening! Not only did they win a round of shots from the Drinking Round, but they scored 62 points and took home a $20 gift certificate as well! Now that's a pretty good night if you ask me!

For third place, we had two teams score 59 points, Mighty Mighty Puffins, and Alternative Facts! You know what that means, you're damn right, a Tiebreaker Question! Both teams had to send up one member to try and guess the closest to the number of feet deep Crater Lake is. Without hearing each other's answers, the Puffins guessed 5000 feet, and Alternative Facts guessed 5001 feet. The correct answer was 1,949 feet, which secured 3rd place and a $10 gift certificate for The Mighty Mighty Puffins! Congrats and welcome back Puffins!

And coming in 1st place, scoring 70 points and taking home a $30 gift certificate, was Hanky Panky! They successfully doubled down in rounds 6 and 7 to come from behind and win 1st! Awesome job! What a clutch performance!

See how much you miss when you don't come to Pickwick's Pub in Woodland Hills on Wednesday nights for King Trivia?! Well don't worry, there's always next Wednesday night and every other for your chance at a fun time like this! See you next time!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 10685 Hanky Panky 70 10 1.000
2 14133 Diversity Poster 62 9 0.900
3 10518 Mighty mighty puffins 59 7 0.750
3 12983 Alternative Facts 59 7 0.750
5 12700 Dog Mama's & Papas 38 6 0.600
6 Three's a Crowd 37 5 0.500
7 Tom and the Bicc Bois 36 4 0.400
8 16394 Dormant Volcano 35 3 0.300
9 Portlanders 34 2 0.200
10 Hollywood Tom 33 1 0.100
11 Butt Slurpers 20 0 0.000


Wed Sep 19 2018
| by Quizmaster Daniel Bliley

What a Wednesday! It was like a reunion at Pickwick's Pub in Woodland Hills for King Trivia, as Einstein's Dick made an unannounced return to King Trivia for at least one night! Einstein's Dick is a team that has been playing at Pickwick's Pub for almost a decade, but during that decade, many had kids, or had more kids, some have moved away, some got married, and time has taken it's toll, and Einstein's Dick hasn't been seen at Pickwick's in a while! But Wednesday they made a trimphant return!

And what a return it was! They scored 70 points in an epic comeback! That score was good enough to get them 2nd place and a $20 gift certificate! Awesome job guys! It was great to see all of you again! I missed ya!

For the Drinking Round, teams had to send up one player each to play a game of paper football. Each team was given two tries to kick a field goal with a paper football. Only one team was able to kick one through, and that was team K & A, who won themselves a round of shots! Way to go you two!

Finally, in 1st place, scoring 72 points to just rain on Einstein's Dick's parade, and winners of the $30 gift certificate, was team Alternative Facts! They doubled correctly on rounds 1, and 2, and that was enough to give them a comfortable enough cushion to last them through the rest of the game! Way to go Alternative Facts!

And that wraps it up on King Trivia at Pickwick's Pub in Woodland Hills! I'll see you next Wednesday night for some more King Trivia! Bring your friends!!!


Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 12983 Alternative Facts 72 6 1.000
2 Einstein's Dick 70 5 0.833
3 Foy Rock 65 4 0.667
4 Minne-Trap 58 3 0.500
5 Blue Collar Man 56 2 0.333
6 16394 Dormant Volcano 40 0 0.083
6 K & A 40 0 0.083


Wed Sep 12 2018
| by Quizmaster Daniel Bliley

Well, another Wednesday night King Trivia at Pickwick's Pub in Woodland Hills has come and gone. Want to hear about it? Well, here we go!

For the Drinking Round, teams had to send up a player from their team, who knew their movies and actors, to play a little game where the first person to go had to pick a movie or actor, and if they named a movie, the next person in the circle would have to name an actor in that movie, the next person would have to name another movie that actor had been in, and so on and so on. If someone couldn't think of an actor or movie, they would be out of the game. The last team standing would win the Drinking Round. Well it came down to Fetching Hat and Whiskey Dick, and Whiskey Dick won the Drinking Round and a round of shots for their team! Way to go!

Coming in third place was team Alternative Facts, who scored 64 points and won the $10 gift certificate! Woot woot! Check out their awesome winner's circle picture above where they reenacted the last supper!

Coming in second was team Liverpool who were kicking butt through the first 6 rounds, and in fact led by 12 points going into the final round. Unfortunately for them, they could only get 5 of the top 12 grossing Arnold Schwarzenegger films according to Box Office Mojo, and thus, finished with 83 points and took home the $20 gift certificate.

The team that beat them was team Hanky Panky who scored 86 points by successfully doubling down in the final round to win by 3 points! They scored 86 points and took home the 1st place prize! Way to go guys!

And that wraps it up for King Trivia at Pickwick's Pub in Woodland Hills on Wednesday night. I will see you next week for some more King Trivia!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 10685 Hanky Panky 86 11 1.000
2 Liverpool 83 10 0.909
3 12983 Alternative Facts 64 9 0.818
4 10518 Mighty mighty puffins 60 8 0.727
5 16394 Dormant Volcano 54 7 0.636
6 Portlanders 49 6 0.545
7 14133 Diversity Poster 46 4 0.409
7 Shay-Jesson 46 4 0.409
9 Fetching Hat 43 3 0.273
10 Whiskey Dick 41 2 0.182
11 Rusty AF 36 1 0.091
12 Crippling Anxiety 24 0 0.000