Pickwick's Pub

21010 Ventura Blvd.
Woodland Hills CA 91364
(818) 340-9673
  • PUB QUIZ—Wednesdays @ 8:00pm


Wed May 23 2018
| by Quizmaster Daniel Bliley

Did you have fun last night at Pickwick's Pub in Woodland Hills for King Trivia? What? You weren't there?!? Well I was and I can tell you it was a blast and you missed out. But don't believe me, just ask the 70 other people at the bar who came out to play last night. We all learned that sackbut is our new favorite word!

For the drinking round, teams had to do their best to identify as many song titles as possible in Axis of Awesomes's four chord medley . There were 37 total songs and Team Sinkhole won the drinking round by correctly identifying 33 of them! Shockingly amazing! You guys definitely earned those shots!

Coming in 3rd place scoring 71 points was Diversity Poster who got there with two timely successful double or nothing's in the final two rounds! Awesome job!

In second place, scoring 87 points was the continuously awesome team, The Mighty Mighty Puffins. If they had scored two more points, they would have taken 1st place.

But they couldn't beat Hair Is Not an Option who scored a whopping 88 points! They led all teams starting after their first successful double or nothing in round 2, and they never looked back from there! Enjoy the $30 gift certificate guys!

Well, I hope I convinced you to come next week! King Trivia nights at Pickwick's Pub in Woodland Hills are always this much fun! See you there!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 12827 Hair Is Not An Option 88 12 1.000
2 10518 Mighty mighty puffins 87 11 0.917
3 14133 Diversity Poster 71 10 0.833
4 12983 Alternative Facts 67 9 0.750
5 10058 Boner Thugz and Harmony 64 7 0.625
5 Cable v. Thanos: Dawn of Justice 64 7 0.625
7 10283 Team Sinkhole 62 6 0.500
8 The Good Boys 59 5 0.417
9 Team Rye 55 4 0.333
10 TBD 52 3 0.250
11 LA Kiwi 47 2 0.167
12 Smitty 34 1 0.083
13 A Dove Amongst Crows 28 0 0.000


Wed May 16 2018
| by Quizmaster Daniel Bliley

Another fun night of King Trivia was had at Pickwick's Pub in Woodland Hills on Wednesday night! 8 teams came out to test their brain power against King Trivia's best writers and their competition!

For the drinking round teams had to send up a player from their team to air rock out to a rock song! Whichever team had the best air musician/guitarist would win the round of shots for their team! Only two teams decided they wanted to rock out, but it was a heated competition between Baharmo and Nalonso, and the Rhode Warriors. In the end, the Rhode Warriors rocked out the hardest and took the round of shots like the rock stars they are!

But don't wrory about Baharmo and Nalonso not winning the drinking round, because they took home the 3rd place prize, the $10 gift certificate! Sadly, they fell to third in the final round after leading from round one. Unfortunately, Hockey took the best of them, and they couldn't double down on the final round like the 1st and 2nd place teams could.

One of those teams was Man City #1! They ended up being number 2! They got all the hockey teams correct on the final round and doubled down successfully.

As did the Mighty Might Puffins! Always one of the most formidable teams at Trivia, they yet again took home 1st place and a $30 gift certificate! You done did it again Puffins! Way to go!

See you next week for some more King Trivia!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 10518 Mighty mighty puffins 63 7 1.000
2 Man City #1 59 6 0.857
3 12623 Baharmo and Nalonso 52 5 0.714
4 12827 Hair Is Not An Option 43 4 0.571
5 People 36 3 0.429
6 Scotland for the Win 33 2 0.286
7 Rhode Warriors 32 1 0.143
8 Los Borachos 24 0 0.000


Wed May 9 2018
| by Quizmaster Daniel Bliley

Another busy night of King Trivia at Pickwick's Pub in Woodland Hills on Wednesday night! This time, 14 teams came to see whose brain was the biggest!

For the drinking round, in the spirit of Avengers Infinity War, teams had to come up with their best worst superhero, complete with worst superhero name, worst superhero powers, and a sketch of the worst superhero ever. A lot of creative submissions were turned in but Diversity Poster killed it with their submission of Mr. Hotdog, a superhero with the power to beat Kobayashi in a Hot Dog eating contest! Their sketch of the superhero was far and away the best sketch of the night and they won the drinking round and a round of shots for their team!

Annnnnnnnndddd.... They also won 2nd place taking home a $20 gift certificate after scoring 66 points! They remained among the top 3 all night long! Way to go Diversity Poster! Way to kill it!

Coming in at 3rd place, scoring 54 points was Alternative Facts, who took 3rd place after round 5 and took home a $10 gift certificate! Sweet!

And that just leaves us with 1st place, and who else could take home a $30 gift certificate with 81 points, but our resident dominating team, the Mighty Mighty Puffins! Teams come from all around to take them down, and it's tough to do, but sometimes other teams succeed. But not this Wednesday night! They dominated all night starting with a successful double in Rounds 1 and 2! They were one point off the lead in rounds 3 and 4, but they came right back with another successful double in Round 5 to keep the lead for the rest of the night! Can you beat the Mighty Mighty Puffins?

Come next Wednesday, and every other Wednesday night to find out! See you there!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 10518 Mighty mighty puffins 81 13 1.000
2 14133 Diversity Poster 66 12 0.923
3 12983 Alternative Facts 54 11 0.846
4 Perfect Strangers Things 51 10 0.769
5 The SS Alexs 42 9 0.692
6 Lil Bits 38 8 0.615
7 Brain Drain 36 7 0.538
8 Your Mom's Son Was a Bust 32 6 0.462
9 Violent Delights Have Violent Ends 31 5 0.385
10 Ry King 29 4 0.308
11 Schmoatmeal 28 3 0.231
12 QB1 24 2 0.154
13 The Smoggies 23 1 0.077
14 Barry McKockner 13 0 0.000