Pickwick's Pub

21010 Ventura Blvd.
Woodland Hills CA 91364
(818) 340-9673
  • PUB QUIZ—Wednesdays @ 8:00pm


Wed Aug 15 2018
| by Quizmaster Daniel Bliley

What's that you say? You missed another Wednesday night King Trivia at Pickwick's Pub in Woodland Hills? Well don't worry I'll tell you all about it! Here's how it all went down...

For the drinking round each team had to send up a representative from their team to do their best animal impression. Whichever person did the best animal sound, would win a round of shots for their team! We heard ducks, pigeons/owls, cats, and chimpanzees! But the winning impression was team Yessir, That is Correct, who blew all the teams away with his Horse impression! Weeeeeiiiigghhhhh to go! See what I did there?

Coming in third place scoring 46 points was team Alternative Facts! They scored themselves a $10 gift certificate to Pickwick's!

In second place and scoring 58 points just one point shy of our leaders, was team Hanky Panky! They won themself a $20 gift certificate back to the bar!

And of course, in first place, our usual leading team, the Mighty Mighty Puffins scored 59 points to take home the $30 gift certificate and won the night!

and that just about wraps it up! I'll see you next Wednesday for some more King trivia at Pickwick's Pub in Woodland Hills! Help control the population! Have your pets spayed or neutered!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 10518 Mighty mighty puffins 59 8 1.000
2 10685 Hanky Panky 58 7 0.875
3 12983 Alternative Facts 46 6 0.750
4 6 Seasons & a Movie 43 5 0.625
5 Boobs 41 4 0.500
6 Yessir, That is Correct 36 3 0.375
7 I Want You to Have Sex With My Wife 35 2 0.250
8 Dormant Volcano 32 1 0.125
9 Guanaco 27 0 0.000


Wed Aug 8 2018
| by Quizmaster Daniel Bliley

What a Wednesday night! I'm talking about King Trivia at Pickwick's Pub in Woodland Hills y'all! Started out with a little mic malfunction, which caused Danny the Quizmaster to miss the intro, but the bar voted for a redo of the classic Saturday Night Live homage! And on the game went!

For the drinking round, teams had to pick two members to play. Each team had to stack toilet paper rolls horizontally between one of their hands and continue to add more. Each team had 20 seconds to see how many they could successfully stack. The team that stacked the most would win the Drinking Round and a round of shots for their team! With 10 rolls stacked successfully, Fanny Pack won the Drinking Round! Congrats!

Coming in third place with a score of 59 points, was team Hanky Panky! Way to win the $10 gift card!

Scoring 61 points and taking second place and winning the $20 gift certificate, were the Mighty Mighty Puffins!

And finally, coming in first place scoring a whopping 65 points, was team diversity poster! Way to go!

And that concludes the recap for Wednesday Night's King Trivia at Pickwick's Pub and Woodland Hills! I'll see you next week!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 14133 Diversity Poster 65 9 1.000
2 10518 Mighty mighty puffins 61 8 0.889
3 10685 Hanky Panky 59 7 0.778
4 Insert Name Here 52 6 0.667
5 Leggo My Eggo 50 5 0.556
6 Ladies & a Champ 45 4 0.444
7 15796 The Ghoulies 44 2 0.278
7 Fanny Pack 44 2 0.278
9 Big Brew Whale 33 1 0.111
10 Ry King 21 0 0.000


Wed Aug 1 2018
| by Quizmaster Daniel Bliley

Wednesdays are usually pretty sucky. They are right in the middle of the week and Friday still seems so far away. But Wednesdays with King Trivia at Pickwick's Pub in Woodland Hills are a completely different story! You meet with a bunch of your friends, have a couple drinks, and then, that Friday doesn't seem too far off.

For the drinking round this week, teams had to identify the name of the song and band, played as an 8-bit, retro video game style! Two teams got the name of all 10 bands and artists correct, so we moved to a sudden death tiebreaker song, and whoever buzzed in first with the right answer would win the drinking round. It was 3 Glasses 1 Girl facing off vs the Mighty Mighty Puffins, but 3 Glasses 1 Girl won the round of shots for his team! Way to go!

Coming in third place, was team Caterpillar Quitters! They scored a total of 59 points to win the $10 gift certificate for their team! Awesome job!

In second place was one of our tiebreaking drinking round teams, the Mighty Mighty Puffins! They scored a total of 61 points and won a $20 gift certificate!

And in first place, was Hanky Panky! They scored 79 points and took home a $30 gift certificate! Someone got some Hanky Panky after winning that one! Congrats team!

And that does it! See you next Wednesday at Pickwick's Pub in Woodland Hills!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 10685 Hanky Panky 79 13 1.000
2 10518 Mighty mighty puffins 61 12 0.923
3 Caterpillar Quitters 59 11 0.846
4 15796 The Ghoulies 44 10 0.769
5 12827 Hair Is Not An Option 43 8 0.654
5 Berry Exciting 43 8 0.654
7 Summer of Yassss!! 42 7 0.538
8 Tequila Mockingbird 39 6 0.462
9 3 Glasses 1 Girl 34 4 0.346
9 The Down and Out 34 4 0.346
11 Addams Family 27 2 0.192
11 Luke Warm Tauntauns 27 2 0.192
13 Adam Henry 13 1 0.077
14 Matt & Laura 7 0 0.000