Pickwick's Pub

21010 Ventura Blvd.
Woodland Hills CA 91364
(818) 340-9673
  • PUB QUIZ—Wednesdays @ 8:00pm


Wed Feb 8 2017
| by Quizmaster Daniel Bliley

Man, what a packed bar for trivia last night! There were at least 70 people split up on 14 different teams! The night started with a bang when 5 different teams doubled down successfully on the first round! Of those 5 teams that doubled, 3 of them placed and received prizes at the end of the game.  In fact 4 of the teams got enough points to place, but two teams tied for third, Nobody Puts Baby in a Corner, and Risky Quizness, and had to answer the tiebreaker question: What was the flight number of the plane that DB Cooper robbed? Risky Quizness answered the closest number and won the 3rd place prize, which was a reversal from the previous week when they tied for 3rd and ended up losing the tiebreaker question. Coming in at second place was team Pogue Mahoney who was leading everyone the entire night until round number 5 when team Edward Quizzerhands tied it up. Edward Quizzerhands then answered 1 more question correct in round 6, with both teams answering the same amount correct in round 7, to end up taking home the first place prize with 66 points, while Pogue Mahoney took second with 65 points. Pogue Mahoney also won the drinking round thanks to the help of a movie called, "The Hunt for the Wilderpeople" which helped eliminate all the opponents and secure them free shots. It was an amazing night and was so busy that quizmaster Danny had no time for pictures until the end of the game! Winners of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd above. See you next week right back at Pickwick's Pub for more Wednesday night King Trivia!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 Edwards Quizzerhands 66 13 1.000
2 Pogue Mahoney 65 12 0.923
3 Risky Quizness 56 10 0.808
3 Nobody Puts Baby in a Corner 56 10 0.808
5 10518 Mighty mighty puffins 49 8 0.654
5 4 Blondes & a Brunette 49 8 0.654
7 Lambo 45 7 0.538
8 Alternative Trivia Facts 42 6 0.462
9 Team Amigos 41 5 0.385
10 Damn Daniel 39 3 0.269
10 Elbow Deep in Meryl Streep 39 3 0.269
12 Quiz in my Pants 38 2 0.154
13 Ye Olde Longshanks 30 1 0.077
14 The New Guys 25 0 0.000


Wed Feb 1 2017
| by Quizmaster Daniel Bliley

They packed 'em in last Wednesday night at Pickwick's Pub in Woodland Hills for King Trivia! The Poor Section of Malibu ledo from the very beginning and took home the cost place prize. They were only ever challenged by the Mighty Mighty Puffins who tied with them in round 4, but answered one less question correct in round 5 to then fall back into second place where they finished the night with 58 points.  Two teams tied for third and had to guess how many people that Jack Bauer killed on screen during the entire run of the show 24. Guessing the closest to the right answer was Douchie McFuckface who beat out Risky Quizness for the 3rd place prize.  Both teams scored 47 points.  For the driving round, teams had to try and blow a deck of cards off the top of a wine bottle.  Whichever team blew off the most amount of cards without knocking all the cards off without blowing off the entire deck.  Team Smithwick Bass came out on top. Pictures of the drinking round above.  And that was it in a nutshell! Back tonight for more King Trivia at Pickwick's!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 Poor Section of Malibu 62 9 1.000
2 10518 Mighty mighty puffins 58 8 0.889
3 Douchie McFuckface 47 6 0.722
3 Risky Quizness 47 6 0.722
5 10685 Hanky Panky 41 5 0.556
6 Smithwick Bass 38 4 0.444
7 Einstein's Dick 31 3 0.333
8 ABCD 22 2 0.222
9 Jenkem 19 1 0.111
10 Torta Squad 15 0 0.000


Wed Jan 25 2017
| by Quizmaster Daniel Bliley

Whhhooooaaa what an incredibly packed bar for Wednesday night's King Trivia game at Pickwick's Pub! You're missing out if you don't come to Pickwick's on Wednesday nights at 8! The night ended with a tie breaker for first place. But 4 different teams won prizes. It was great! For the drinking round, teams had to send a player up to try and flip over 6 cups flip cup style, and whoever did it the fastest would win. With a blisteringly fast 18.9 seconds, team And the Winner Goes to... ended up taking the prize. For the tiebreaker, teams Party of Five, and the Angry Angry Puffins battled it out, with Angry Angry Puffins taking home first place, and Party of Five took 2nd. Both teams ended the night with 5o points and were only ever separated by at most a 2 point difference in scores all through the game. Renaissance Women were pretty close to the top with 46 points but that was only good enough for 3rd place. They took third in round 5 after guessing two more correct answers than their closest competitor, team Alternative Facts, and ended up taking 3rd over them by 1 point. It was a very close match between all the teams that competed, and most everyone stuck around for the whole game. What an exciting night! Be back next Wednesday for another exciting King Trivia!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 10518 Angry Angry Puffins 50 8 0.944
1 Party of Five 50 8 0.944
3 Renaissance Women 46 7 0.778
4 Alternative Facts 45 6 0.667
5 According to Trump There are 1 Million People Here 38 5 0.556
6 And the Winner Goes To... 37 3 0.389
6 The Slow & the Curious 37 3 0.389
8 Cat Scratch Fever 32 2 0.222
9 Vodka Sodas 20 1 0.111
10 What Did They Give Ken as a Baby 10 0 0.000