Pickwick's Pub

21010 Ventura Blvd.
Woodland Hills CA 91364
(818) 340-9673
  • PUB QUIZ—Wednesdays @ 8:00pm


Wed Jan 18 2017
| by Quizmaster Daniel Bliley

Wow! What a Wednesday night! I'm telling you, if you haven't been to Pickwick's Pub on Wednesday nights for a King Trivia night, you're surely missing out. It was a nicely packed house with 10 teams battling it out for $60 in prizes and free shots! The drinking round required players to stack Solo cups in a pyramid and then and bring them back down into a single stack the fastest to win the round of shots for their teams. See pictures above. Getting the fastest time with 31.16 seconds was team Anything's a Dildo if You're Brave Enough. Coming in first place and taking home a $30 gift card were the Mighty Mighty Puffins with 64 points. In second with 60 points were the Gin Soaked Bar Maids, and in third was Mihoy Minot who beat out Trumpeter Fire in a Tiebreaker question. Both teams had 56 points.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 10518 Mighty mighty puffins 64 8 1.000
2 10270 Gin Soaked Bar Maids 60 7 0.875
3 Mihoy Minoy 56 5 0.688
3 Trumpster Fire 56 5 0.688
5 May the Schwartz be With You 46 4 0.500
6 Cunning Linguist 43 3 0.375
7 Douchey McFuckface 39 2 0.250
8 Cat Scratch Fever 36 1 0.125
9 The Village Idiots 31 0 0.000


Wed Jan 11 2017
| by Quizmaster Daniel Bliley

Man, Wednesday night was another packed house for King Trivia at Pickwick's Pub in Woodland Hills! It was a great game with a fun drinking round. Team Liquor in the Front Poker in the Rear was in the top 3 most of the night, starting with a successful double or nothing on the first round, but lost the lead in Round 3 and wouldn't regain the lead again until another successful double or nothing in Round 6. That double took them 11 points higher than any other team, and they finished in first place with 79 points. In second place was another team that started with a successful double or nothing in the first round, Pogue Mahoney, and took the lead on round four. They held on to that lead until round 6 when Liquor in the Front Poker in the Back took it from them. Pogue Mahoney finished in second place with 67 points. Coming in third place was Constipation Nation, who took third place in round number 5 with a successful double or nothing, and kept that third place spot to the end, finishing with 62 points. For the drinking round, two members of each team had to play a game where one player held an empty Apple juice bottle between their legs, while their teammate had to pick up a plunger between their legs, waddle it around the bar, and then stick the end of the plunger into the opening of the bottle to stop the clock. Finishing with the fastest time were the Mighty Mighty Puffins with 27.6 seconds. Pictures of the drinking round are above. Another successful and fun night of King Trivia in the books!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 Liquor in the Front Poker in the Back 79 10 1.000
2 Pogue Mahoney 67 9 0.900
3 Constipation Nation 62 8 0.800
4 10518 Mighty mighty puffins 59 7 0.700
5 Generic Team Name; Being Witty is too Hard Right Now 56 6 0.600
6 The Transponsters 50 5 0.500
7 Ali Kat 47 4 0.400
8 10270 Gin Soaked Bar Maids 44 2 0.250
8 And First Place Goes To... 44 2 0.250
10 Yeah Baby Yeah 42 1 0.100
11 Vaguely Familiar 34 0 0.000


Wed Jan 4 2017
| by Quizmaster Daniel Bliley

Another slow night at Pickwick's Pub with a combination of the holidays and the rain, but the players that were there were excited and full of energy! Pogue Mahoney dominated as always with 68 points earning them enough for the 1st place prize. They were in the lead from the beginning, lost it by a point in round number 4 but tied it back up in round number 5 and doubled down succesfully in round 6 to not be caught for round 7. In second place scoring 66 points was Say What Again Motherfucker! He started off slow but certainly kicked as much ass as Samuel L Jackson did in Pulp Fiction which earned him the second place prize. For the drinking round, teams had to identify the artist and song titles of songs clips that were played backwards. Getting all of them right and taking home the drinking round prize was Sack O Tamales. All in all a pretty good night!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 Pogue Mahoney 68 6 1.000
2 Say What Again Motherfucker! 66 5 0.833
3 Sack O Tamales 54 4 0.667
4 10518 Mighty Mighty Puffins 53 3 0.500
5 10270 Gin Soaked Bar Maids 35 2 0.333
6 Spurlocks 34 1 0.167
7 Vodka Sodas 28 0 0.000