Pickwick's Pub

21010 Ventura Blvd.
Woodland Hills CA 91364
(818) 340-9673
  • PUB QUIZ—Wednesdays @ 8:00pm


Wed Mar 1 2017
| by Quizmaster Daniel Bliley

Another fun night of trivia on Wednesday night at Pickwick's Pub in Woodland Hills. Team Les Quizerables took first place with 58 points. They battled with the 2nd place team, The Mighty Mighty Puffins, most of the night, but Les Quizerables separated themselves from TMMP on round 6 where LQ got 2 more correct answers than TMMP, and they were tied in round 5. In the last round, The Mighty Mighty Puffins got 1 more correct answer than Les Quizerables, but it wasn't enough and TMMP took second with 57 points.  Team Where's Warren Beatty took 3rd with 52 points, hurt by round number 4 when theyou didn't get the right answer until the 2 point clue.  For the drinking round, teams had 30 seconds to knock down as many solo cups as possible by flinging rubber bands at them.  Team Where's Warren Beatty and Team Bean tied with 18, but TWWB won the free shots after a head to head final round.  And that wrapped up everything for the trivia night!  See pictures above.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 Les Quizerables 58 8 1.000
2 10518 Mighty Mighty Puffins 57 7 0.875
3 Where's Warren Beatty 52 6 0.750
4 Team ... 38 5 0.625
5 Bean 34 4 0.500
6 Einstein's Dick 22 3 0.375
7 Jack & Jill 20 2 0.250
8 Ninja Scotties 17 1 0.125
9 Put a Fork in Me 15 0 0.000


Wed Feb 22 2017
| by Quizmaster Daniel Bliley

What?! You missed it again?! I keep telling you every week that you should be coming to Pickwick's Pub on Wednesday night for King Trivia....  Ok, ok, I'll tell you about it. So, it was a high scoring night for sure. Teams successfully doubled down a total of 14 times! The team that did it the most pulled off the victory, but it was especially the successful double down in the final round that put Pink Sock Panther in the lead with a whopping 80 points! They just edged out "Team..." who last week took 4th place, but now moved into the winners circle with the 2nd place prize of $20 in Pickwick's Pub gift certificates. Coming in 3rd, two spots back of their last week finish of 1st place, was team Mighty Mighty Puffins. But,not only did they get the 3rd place prize, they also won the Drinking Round! Teams had to identify songs by their lyrics read in different voices by the Quizmaster, Danny. The impressions weren't, ahem, impressive, but laughs were had by all. Hope I see you there next week, but don't worry, I'll recap it again if you miss it. Deuces!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 Pink Sock Panther 80 9 1.000
2 Team ... 71 8 0.889
3 10518 Mighty Mighty Puffins 67 7 0.778
4 Thespian Phase 56 6 0.667
5 She Sells Sea Shells and She's a Whore 53 5 0.556
6 Bad Hombres 51 4 0.444
7 Douchey McFuckface 50 3 0.333
8 Ralph McDoorman 46 2 0.222
9 Meat Sweats 37 1 0.111
10 Ninja Scotties 17 0 0.000


Wed Feb 15 2017
| by Quizmaster Daniel Bliley

The Mighty Mighty Puffins continued their domination again last night at Pickwick's Pub in Woodland Hills for King Trivia as they led the night from start to finish with successful double downs in rounds 1 and 2, and they got the Gambler's Corner round correct on the 10 point clue.  They finished the night with 65 points.  The Renaissance Women & Bill finished in 2nd place with 54 points and also started the night with a successful double down in round 1, but were never able to catch up with the Mighty Mighty Puffins the rest of the night. In third place with 47 points was team Nobody Puts Baby in a Corner. They got off to a slow start and battled with Team ... who came in fourth place, only losing by 3 points at the end of the night.  For the drinking round, teams had to try and get a pen, that was tied to a string attached to their center belt loop, into the top of a wine bottle.  Whichever team got the pen in the fastest won the drinking round. With a blisteringly fast 13.27 seconds, Team Guady won the drinking round.  See pictures above.  See you next week for more King Trivia at Pickwick's Pub  starting @ 8pm!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 10518 Mighty mighty puffins 65 13 1.000
2 Renaissance Women & Bill 54 12 0.923
3 Nobody Puts Baby in a Corner 47 11 0.846
4 Team ... 44 10 0.769
5 Over the Line Smokey 42 9 0.692
6 Team guady 39 8 0.615
7 Bobble Head Jesus 37 7 0.538
8 BKBJ 35 6 0.462
9 Lucky 13 33 4 0.346
9 Harrison Ford's Taxiway 33 4 0.346
11 Kiss From A Rose 23 3 0.231
12 New Guys 14 2 0.154
13 Team Ramrod 13 1 0.077
14 Trottors 11 0 0.000