Pickwick's Pub

21010 Ventura Blvd.
Woodland Hills CA 91364
(818) 340-9673
  • PUB QUIZ—Wednesdays @ 8:00pm


Wed Dec 7 2016
| by Quizmaster Daniel Bliley

Wow! What a Wednesday night at Pickwick's Pub for King Trivia on Wednesday night! The pub was packed to the brim with trivia players filling up both rooms of the bar. A total of 14 teams played, but only three came out on top.

Taking 1st was Feedonomics who came through with 3 successful double or nothing's to score 80 points and secure their lead.

Coming in second was Mighty Mighty Puffins who scored 70 points and had two successful double or nothing's as well.

In third was Gin Soaked Bar Maids who had a successful double or nothing in Round 5 and got the 10 point clue in Gambler's Corner. They scored 58 points.

The quizmaster's original idea for the drinking round didn't quite work out as planned, so he resorted to a music identification round where teams had to identify the artist and name of ten songs. Feedonomics also guessed the most of these songs right as well.

All in all, another fun night. Looking forward to next week!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 Feedonomics 80 13 1.000
2 10518 Mighty mighty puffins 70 12 0.923
3 10270 Gin Soaked Bar Maids 58 11 0.846
4 Einstein's Dick 53 10 0.769
5 Renaissance Women 52 9 0.692
6 The Wet Bandits 51 8 0.615
7 C & C 48 7 0.538
8 Pogue Mahoney 40 6 0.462
9 Beast Mode 35 5 0.385
10 10523 The Mildings 28 4 0.308
11 Tree House 26 3 0.231
12 2258 24 2 0.154
13 Chick Quesadilla 23 1 0.077
14 Smartie Sarah 17 0 0.000


Wed Nov 30 2016
| by Quizmaster Daniel Bliley

Last night at Pickwick's Pub for King Trivia, was another blast of a game!

Pogue Mahoney took the 1st place prize scoring 74 points. They were tired for the lead with Poor Section of Malibu in Round One after a successful double or nothing, but fell behind until they successfully doubled again in Round number 5. They scored the most points in Rounds 6 and 7 to maintain the lead and score the 1st place prize.

Coming in Second place was Poor Section of Malibu, who only lost the lead in Round 5 to Pogue Mahoney after they doubled successfully. Poor Section of Malibu had a great night though and scored 67 points for the 2nd place prize.

Coming in third were the Mighty Mighty Puffins, who are always a tough team to beat. They scored 63 points, and only took the third place prize thanks to a successful double down in Round number 6 to give them 20 points and move into third place.

For the drinking round, teams tried to knock down 6 water bottles as fast as they could using a baseball inside a silk stocking that one team member would wear on his/her head and swing it around to knock the bottles over. Vodka Sodas won that round with a whopping 10.96 seconds! See pictures above!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 Pogue Mahoney 74 10 1.000
2 Poor Section of Malibu 67 9 0.900
3 10518 Mighty mighty puffins 63 8 0.800
4 10270 Gin Soaked Bar Maids 56 7 0.700
5 Not Enough Xanax for the Next 4 Years 55 6 0.600
6 Doc's Rage 40 5 0.500
7 Vodka Sodas 38 4 0.400
8 Team Google 34 3 0.300
9 10022 Whiskey Business 18 2 0.200
10 Spikenomics 14 1 0.100
11 Pull Up Clean City 5 0 0.000


Wed Nov 23 2016
| by Quizmaster Travis Richey

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 The Dirty Puritans 71 11 1.000
2 10270 Gin Soaked Bar Maids 67 10 0.909
3 D'Plurable D 49 9 0.818
4 One Is The Loneliest Number 45 7 0.682
4 Squaaaaad! 45 7 0.682
6 Badger Fans 37 6 0.545
7 Team Hasslehoff 34 5 0.455
8 Slo Mo 29 4 0.364
9 Quizlamic Extremists 20 3 0.273
10 Pickwick Chicks 9 2 0.182
11 Geauz Sainks 8 1 0.091
12 Pickwick Dudes 5 0 0.000