A hearty congratulation to The Bad News Barristers, winners of both the drinking round and the quiz this week at The Famous on Brand in Glendale.
At the same time, we offer a warm, reassuring hug to Dunder Mifflin Backup Team, who was doing just fine until a pair of failed double-or-nothing attempts in the 5th and 6th rounds struck like a dagger to the heart of their competitive hopes last night.
That's how it goes with a King Trivia quiz. And we love it so!
See y'all next week.
I admit, it's seductive - the reverence, veneration and approbation that is typically given to those of us who have attained the rank of Quizmaster at King Trivia. You get used to it pretty quick.
You see, most right-thinking quizinators look upon their quizmasters as they would an exalted and admired member of an elite group, not unlike a university professor; a research scientist; a medical professional, high office holder or spiritual leader.
They revere quizmasters in this way because they know that an applicant must endure rigorous years of physical and mental training to earn the robes and scepter. This training includes years of apprenticeship, rigorous study, and a grueling barefoot hike to the mountaintops of Tibet to meet and commune with the highest among us, the "Blessed One" whom we call Joshua.
The United States Marine Corps uses the easier portions of our training regimen to prepare special forces soldiers.
The reverence most KT quiz participants feel for their quizmasters might accurately be described as awe. When they approach their quizmasters with a question or an answer sheet, they do so slowly, respectfully, with head bowed. They speak in hushed tones and generally behave in a manner that communicates to any and all that they are in the presence of an almost God-like figure.
Most. I said "most." But not everyone. What I'm describing here never happens at The Famous on Brand in Glendale. In fact, it's just the opposite! The folks here are downright abusive to this quizmaster! The Blanches calling him names! Because Jeopardy Won't Let Us Drink throws broken KT pens and wet paper towels at me. And The Bad News Barristers make disparaging remarks about my haircut, robes and scepter!
(Yes, I carry a scepter! An especially large, bejeweled scepter! Hey! I earned that scepter, and no, I AM NOT "compensating for something" Kendall!)
These people scare me very much, the folks who quiz at the Famous. If I misspeak or mispronounce a word (which hardly ever happens, really) there is derision and mockery! Look at the photos of the regulars at The Famous. You can see it on their faces! This is a tough crowd. Mean and antagonistic!
Come see for yourself! It's outrageous! And delightful.
See you next week!
"This is a tough hurricane. One of the wettest we've ever seen from the standpoint of water."
- President Donald Trump on Hurricane Florence
September, 2018
It is the normal practice of this humble quizmaster to eschew politics in the weekly recap. After all, it would be ethically questionable for any King Trivia Quizmaster to take advantage of their incredible influence by using his or her bully quizzer pulpit for political purposes.
On the other hand, your loyal quizmaster just loves it when a group of quizzers chooses a team name that mocks and otherwise belittles political figures of any persuasion. That's why I was delighted with last night's team, The Wettest Team (From the Standpoint of Water)
Donald Trump's description of water as being wet is one of the greatest, most delightful moments of his Presidency so far, and I salute you, Wettest Team, for soaking him in it!
On a separate note, a special shout out to the lovely ladies of this week's winners, Bad News Barristers (photos 7, 8 &9 above) who pulled off the impressive win despite Michael and Ritchie drinking themselves silly during the quiz.
How silly, you ask? Well, at one point, Ritchie was overheard saying, "well yeah. water is wet! I don't see what's so wrong with saying so!"
See y'all next week.